statement of faith
We believe in the Holy Trinity: God the Father, Jesus Christ His only begotten Son and the Holy Spirit which is the true Spirit of the living God (Matt. 28:19, 1 John 5:6-9).
We believe that God is the Creator of all the heavens and the earth and there is no God that stands beside Him (Genesis 1:1-31, Isaiah 45:12, Isaiah 45:5).
We believe that God is Holy, Righteous (Psalm 145:17, NKJV) and Perfect (Psalm 18:30)—and because of who He is, He cannot tolerate sin.
We believe that God created man to dwell in perfect harmony and relationship with Him for eternity. But through the deception of Adam and Eve by Satan in the form of a serpent, man was separated and could not stand before a righteous and Holy God (Genesis 3:1-19).
We believe God in His mercy desired to save man from eternal damnation and sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ (God incarnated in human flesh), who lived a sinless life on earth, to die on the cross and atone (pay) for the sins of the world (John 3:16). This includes any sin that would ever be committed by anyone in the human race from the time Jesus came to earth unti the ending of time.
We believe through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, to those of us who choose to receive him as Lord, our debt for sin is payed and we are reconciled back to God (Rom. 4:25, Eph. 1:7, 1 Pet. 3:18).
We believe that through salvation in Jesus Christ, we are guaranteed eternal life (John 3:16). We are adopted as co-heirs with Jesus and receive the inheritance and the blessings of God's kingdom (Romans 8:17).
We believe that Christ rules with all power over all things and he has conquered death, the devil and everything in the kingdom of darkness; Jesus conquers everything that opposes God (Ephesian 1:21).
We believe Christ will return at an unknown time to judge the world (both the living and the dead) and to overthrow Satan and his demonic kingdom once and for all. Those who have accepted Christ will have eternal life with God in a new earth and new heaven (Revelation 21:1-2). Those who have rejected Jesus Christ and the free gift of salvation will spend eternity in hell, in torment and eternal fire (Rev. 14:11, 19:20, 20:10).
We believe until Jesus comes for the final judgement, He is sitting at the right hand of God, interceding for His children (i.e. those who have accepted Him and made Him Lord of their lives) (Romans 8:34).
We believe when we accept Jesus Christ, He will fill you with His Holy Spirit and through the transforming work of the Holy Spirit, to those who will yield, we will be transformed day by day to the infallible image of Christ. However we will never become fully like Christ until He comes to redeem the saints (2: Cor. 3:18, 1 John 3:2-3).
We believe that we are able to do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13). We are enabled to do the work of God not by might or by power but by His (God's) Spirit (Zechariah 4:6). God's grace and mercy carries us daily.
We believe in the power of the blood of Jesus---that fights for and gives us victory over every scheme of the devil (Rev. 12:10-11); that washes, cleanses and purifies us (1 John 1:7); that speaks greater things for our lives (Hebrew 12: 24).
We believe in God we live, move and have our being (Acts 17:28). In all that we do, let God be glorified!
The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.
(Psalm 9:9, ESV)